Awareness of the World Week (3rd – 7th June)

Awareness of the World Week (3rd – 7th June)

Turning the Tide on Plastic Pollution was the focus in Class four during Awareness of the World Week this year. After watching Planet Earth 2 and seeing the devastating impact single use plastic has on our world, oceans and people, we have been keen to make a difference! We investigated ‘how long until it’s gone?’ and discussed the meaning of decomposing materials, explaining where items that are not recycled end up. We were shocked to see single use plastic bottles are used once but take up to 450 years to decompose! So all of the plastic ever made that has not been recycled is still out there in a landfill, and will not decompose for another 350 years. 

Thanks to the incredibly generous donations of the school community, every single child in the school was able to make a T-shirt Bag for Life to help reduce the number of plastic bags in the world. We decorated them with powerful messages to show our support of reducing single use plastics. We also discussed the impact cling film has on the world, and made lots of promises to reduce our use of cling film. Keep us updated if your children feel empowered to make a difference, it all starts with one spark! 

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