
Success in Maths at Ashton Keynes

Jemima, Nate, Ruben and Tristan competed as a team in the 2023 Quiz Club National Inter-School Championships in Oxford. They competed against 599 other teams in the area heats and 167 other schools in the semi-finals to gain a place in the Grand Final at Oxford University.
Cheered on by their parents, Mrs Saville and Miss Redman they came 11th out of 40 teams. The questions were mind bogglingly difficult and we are
incredibly proud of their fantastic achievement.

Multiplication Tables Check Letter for Y4 2022-2023

Ashton Keynes received a letter of congratulations from the Minister for Schools in recognition of our achievement in the Multiplication Tables Check. Ashton Keynes was one of the top 200 performing schools in England for the MTC with an average score of 24.4 out of 25.

Attainment in Mathematics

Attainment in Maths at Ashton Keynes continues to be above the national standard in Y6 KS2 SATS.

Maths SAT results 2024

  • Our school Expected standard All 97% B 100%, G 95%, PP 100% (1/1), SENS 91% (10/11)
  • National for Expected standard in Maths 2024 was 73%
  • Our school Greater Depth All 33% B 36%, G 32%, PP 100%, SENS 9%
  • National for Greater Depth in Maths 2023 was 22%

Maths SAT results 2023

  • Our school Expected standard All 94%, B 93%, G 94%, PP 100% (2/2), SENS 83% (5/6)
  • National for Expected standard in Maths 2023 was 73%
  • Our School Greater Depth All 38%, B 40%, G 35%, PP 0%, SENS 0%
  • National for Greater Depth in Maths 2023 was 22%

Calculation policy, skills progression and KS1 & KS2 objectives


EYFS / Reception

Times Tables

Photos, work samples & pupil voice