Wellbeing Team
Wellbeing – is a golden thread at the heart of our Curriculum
We have a dedicated wellbeing team:
Wellbeing Lead Samantha Saville Head teacher
Wellbeing Teacher (Happiness award trained) Sandra Crowley
Wellbeing TA Hanne Lang (Lead ELSA- Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
Wellbeing Governor Reverend Shirley Danby
Wellbeing resource manager: Preet Cook (SBM)
Ted the school dog is part of our wellbeing team.
‘Ted’ is our school dog, he is a very friendly and calm ‘Cavapoochon’. He likes to visit the classes, listen to children read and look at their work, he even gives out his own stickers! Children look after Ted and walk with him at break and lunchtime and he even enjoys joining in with the odd game of football with them too!
Pupil Wellbeing advocates: We have introduced a new orange pupil star for pupils who become wellbeing advocates. A chance for pupils to be part of the wellbeing team and lead in this area to support the wellbeing needs of our pupils through their own voice and ideas to further raise awareness and pupil involvement.
Miss Sharon Jackson is our yoga teacher who provides sessions in yoga and mindfulness for all classes and staff each term.
Meryl, our professional zumba teacher provides Zumba for all classes each term and staff and pupils enjoy participating in uplifting zumba which doesn’t fail to raise our heart rate, improve our coordination, and make us smile.
Pupil wellbeing – we are committed to wellbeing in our school and this is why it runs through the heart of our ‘Shine Curriculum’ as a golden thread to ensure it is woven through all that we do.
Staff wellbeing – we are committed to staff wellbeing and ensure we regularly check in with our team, have a pastoral governor to support staff as required (Rev Shirley), provide team building and wellbeing activities such as staff and governor yoga, Zumba and massage treatments for all staff from a trained professional. We listen to our staff and work hard to ensure our school is open, supportive and a really happy place to work.