Stay and Share sessions for parents, carers and pupils

Each class invited their parents and carers in November and March to come and sit with their children and have a learning chat to share their learning together. We always make books available for parents’ evenings but there is so much learning that goes on beyond what you see in the books and we want to give you chance to be in the classroom and listen to your child as they talk you through their learning. It has been so lovely to see this in action. The children will be really look forward to proudly sharing their work.

Class R had a very special stay and share session with an hour of bedtime stories by firelight for pupils and their parents and carers which was so
well received. Many children returned to school in the evening, wearing their pyjamas and with their teddies to listen to stories and drink hot chocolate. It was a lovely cosy hour and all the children enjoyed showing their families around their classroom and sharing stories together. We are so excited to continue these new sessions each term and share these wonderful learning experiences with our pupils and their families.