SATS Details

AKPS School performance 2024

Here are our data headlines which I am beyond proud to share with you, hot off the press and some of the best results to date. They show our incredibly high performance against national again for the tenth year running. We are delighted with our results. We have achieved significantly above all areas again this year and our progress measures for this cohort will be excellent. We have also ensured that our pupils to continue to thrive and achieve well across the whole of our ‘Shine Curriculum’.

Year 6 KS2 results July 2024

Year 6 (30 pupils, 11 B, 19 G, 1 PP (pupil premium), 11 SEND (Special Educational Needs), 3 EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan), 2 EAL (English additional language)

Each pupil is worth 3%,


  • Our school Expected standard All 97%
  • National for expected standard in reading 2024 was 74%
  • Our school Greater Depth All 53%
  • National for Greater Depth in reading 2023 (24 not released yet)was 25%


  • Our school Expected standard All 94%
  • National for Expected standard in Writing 2024 was 72%
  • Our school Greater Depth All 43%
  • National for Greater Depth in Writing 2023 (24 not released yet) was 15%


  • Our school Expected standard All 97%
  • National for Expected standard in Maths 2024 was 73%
  • Our school Greater Depth All 33%
  • National for Greater Depth in Maths 2023 was 22%

Combined (Reading, Writing and Maths)

  • Our school Expected standard combined All 91%
  • National for Expected Standard combined 2024 was 61%
  • Our School Greater Depth Combined All 26%
  • National for Greater Depth Combined 2024 not released yet

EGPS Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling (not reported in league tables/ national data)

  • Our school Expected standard All 97%
  • National for Expected Standard in EGPS 2024 was 72%
  • Our School Greater Depth All 57%
  • National for Greater Depth in EGPS 2024 not released yet


  • Our school Expected standard 100%
  • National for Expected Standard in Science 2024 was 81%
  • There is no Greater Depth measure for Science at KS2

Synopsis: AKPS is again significantly above national in all areas in 2024 including Greater depth and combined ARE and GD. These are our best results to date –  Exceptional!

AKPS School performance 2023

Here are our data headlines which I am immensely proud to share with you, hot off the press. They show our incredibly high performance against national again for the eighth year running. We are delighted with our results. We have achieved significantly above all areas again this year and our progress measures for this cohort will be excellent. 100% pupils in receipt of pupil premium met the standard in all areas and our pupils with special educational needs all performed well and made excellent progress. We have also ensured that our pupils to continue to thrive and achieve well across the whole of our ‘Shine Curriculum’. Mrs Saville July 2023

Year 6 KS2 results July 2023

Year 6 (32 pupils, 15 B, 17 G, 2 PP (pupil premium), 6 SENS (Special Educational Needs), 0 EHCP)


  • Our school Expected standard All 94%, B 77%, G 100%, PP 100% (2/2), SENS 83% (5/6)
  • Our School Greater Depth All 41%, B 27%, G 53%, PP 0%, SENS 0%
  • National for expected standard in reading 2023 was 73%
  • National for Greater Depth in reading 2023 was 25%


  • Our school Expected standard All 94%, B 77%, G 100%, PP 100% (2/2), SENS 67% (4/6)
  • Our School Greater Depth All 36%, B 27%, G 47%, PP 0%, SENS 0%
  • National for Expected standard in Writing 2023 was 71%
  • National for Greater Depth in Writing 2023 was 15%


  • Our school Expected standard All 94%, B 93%, G 94%, PP 100% (2/2), SENS 83% (5/6)
  • Our School Greater Depth All 38%, B 40%, G 35%, PP 0%, SENS 0%
  • National for Expected standard in Maths 2023 was 73%
  • National for Greater Depth in Maths 2023 was 22%

Combined (Reading, Writing and Maths)

  • Our school Expected standard All 84%, B 73%, G 94%, PP 100% (2/2), SENS 50% (3/6)
  • Our School Greater Depth All 28%, B 27%, G 29%, PP 0%, SENS 0%
  • National for Expected Standard in combined 2023 was 59%

EGPS Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling (not reported in league tables/ national data)

  • Our school Expected standard All 88%, B 80%, G 94%, PP 100% (2/2) SENS 67% (4/6)
  • Our School Greater Depth All 31%, B 20%, G 41%, PP 0%, SENS 0%
  • National for Expected Standard in EGPS 2023 was 72%


  • Our school Expected standard 100% B 100%, G 100%, PP 100% (2/2) SENS 100% (6/6)
  • National for Expected Standard in Science 2023 was 80%

Synopsis: AKPS is again significantly above national in all areas in 2023.

AKPS School performance 2021/2022 (Summer 2022)

After a turbulent few years for all schools, at AKPS, we have worked relentlessly to support pupils to catch up and recover from periods of disruption which for some have continued into this school year. We have also ensured that our pupils continue to thrive and achieve well across the whole of our ‘Shine Curriculum’. Here are our data headlines which I am immensely proud to share with you, hot off the press. They show our incredibly high performance against national and despite a period of disruption, we have achieved some of our best results to date.

Reception 2022 (GLD) Good level of Development– children reaching the expected level in the prime areas of learning (along with specific aspects of mathematics and literacy) by the end of EYFS.

 KS1 (Year 2) SATs Results (including teacher assessment)

Year 4 Multiplication Test (to pass a score of 25/25 had to be achieved in time limit)

KS2 (Year 6) SATs Test Results (including teacher assessment for writing)

Standardised score

100 average


So what? Another year of high outcomes, even though we did not sit formal KS2 SATs tests, we used a range of assessments, including previous SATs papers to test the pupils and ongoing teacher assessment. Live teaching and 100% daily attendance online during lockdown including interventions through live teaching ensured children stayed on track. Stamina for writing continued at home but really focussed on during in school time across all subjects to ensure ARE+. We had really high expectations of our children and they rose to this. We also ensured they continued to receive an exciting broad and rich curriculum beyond core subjects too as this is really important. All work was marked with feedback to the children as we would in school to ensure high quality engagement. Children who did not reach ARE for end of KS2 made excellent progress from their starting points.

Year 2 December phonics screening 31 children Pass 97% 30/31 children

So what? Real focus upon start of school return in September 2020 after lockdown with a baseline at 78% at this point with a few of these pupils’ borderline. Increase to 97% actual reflecting high quality first phonics teaching and good catch-up provision for phonics from September – December 2020.

Multiplication check in Year 4

We were delighted to take part in this as a trial and this showed the progress our pupils had made with nearly all children passing the test with full marks 25/25 and of those that didn’t 96% achieved a score of 21/25 or more. This was a random timed test of timetables up to 12 x 12 on an electronic format.

So what? Through timestable rockstars and cracking timestables and a commitment to learning multiplications we have improved outcomes across the school from Year 2 up. In Year 2 most of the class are working at Year 3 expectations currently for multiplication tables.


Here is our 2020 data as of March 2020. Whilst there is absolutely no requirement to publish data and no KS2 SATs tests were sat due to COVID 19 and partial school closure- we feel particularly proud of our Year 6 cohort 2019- 2020 and wanted to share what they were on track for at the point of closure in March 2020. This would have been our best year yet, showing a 4th year of consistent very high outcomes and progress which are well above national for our school.

Ashton Keynes C of E Primary KS2 (Y6) SATS Results 2019 Compared with National 2019

This again demonstrates, for yet another year, that attainment and progress continues to improve and be outstanding and is again well ahead of both local and national data.

Writing data

Writing assessment data is based on the years’ worth of work created throughout Year 6. The children are assessed using a specific and complex framework. This set of standards by which we assess allows us to make informed and accurate judgements.

This year, our end of KS2 (Y6) writing was externally moderated by 2 experienced moderators from Wiltshire. After looking at a series of books (English, Science, topic) they agreed with 100% of our judgements and the professional dialogue was extremely positive and affirmative.

Average Scaled Score

AKPS Reading – 111  National 104

AKPS Maths – 110.3  National 105.1

AKPS SPAG – 114  National 106

Age related scaled score = 100+

Greater depth scaled score 110+

N.B: 120 is the highest possible scaled score.

A pupil’s scaled score is based on their raw score. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil scores in a test, based on the number of questions they answered correctly. e.g. a score of 41/50 in Reading gives a scaled score of 110.

Tests are developed each year to the same specification, however, because the questions are different, the difficulty of tests may vary each year. This means we need to convert the raw scores pupils get in the tests into scaled scores, to ensure we can make accurate comparisons of performance over time.

Progress of our pupils is equally, if not more important than attainment. In 2017 and 2018, we were placed in the top 2 and 3% of all schools nationally for progress data (KS1 – KS2). As this year group had high KS1 data, the progress that they are able to make (even with a perfect score) is limited (e.g. a child who was GD at KS1 (21 APS points) can only make minimal progress as the higher level of learning is capped in terms of maximum mark/ scaled score. However, based on the above attainment data, the progress of our pupils this year is still set to be great. Progress data is released in December and will then be shared with staff, governors and the website.

This table demonstrates the national progress data from end KS1-KS2.

Our 2018 progress data was:

2019 progress data will be released by the DfE December 2019.

So What?

These outcomes reflect our continual drive for exceptional outcomes and progress in line with our ambitious and rigorous school improvement plan. They demonstrate that our targeted, ‘finger on pulse’ approach is having a positive impact upon outcomes. Also, our targeted ‘Power of Three’ (combined) for both EXS (Expected standard) and GDS (greater depth standard) is having a continued, growing impact. This demonstrates for a 5th year running sustained and improved excellent outcomes and progress and a staff and leadership team, who continually be reaching to achieve the best for all of our pupils every year.

Please click on the links below to view previous SATS results:

2018 SATS Results

2017 SATS Results

2016 SATS Results

2015 KS1 Results

2015 KS2 Results

DfE school performance tables website