Sports Premium
It is our intention to get the most value for our school from our Sports Premium funding.
Sports Premium Statement 23-24
What is Sports Premium?
The Government introduced the Sports Premium Grant in 2013. The Government is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum for the academic years 2013 onwards to improve provision of physical education (P.E.) and sport in primary school.
How is this funding allocated to schools?
The PE and sport allocation is funding provided to schools in addition to main school funding. The funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on the provision of P.E. and sport in schools.
Funding for schools will be calculated by reference to the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11), as recorded in the annual school census.
What are the aims of the Sports Premium?
- Purpose of funding – Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.
- Key themes and priorities:
- – To further enhance quality of learning and teaching of PE
- – To further develop confidence of staff in the teaching of PE
- – Implementation of the new PE curriculum
- – Increasing competition and success in school sports
- – Improvement in partnership work on physical education with other schools and other local partners.
- Sports Coaches – We provide high quality, experienced sports coaches for Classes R-6 offering up to 2 hour weekly sessions.
- Sports Week – We organise our annual Sports Week which engages lots of sports organisations from the local community. We offered a range of sports including: archery, table tennis, martial arts, a smoothie bike, tennis, golf, cricket, zumba, football, orienteering, a visiting Gold Commonwealth Games Judo sportsperson, Meggen Fletcher, to inspire the children and cheerleading with Kingshill sports leaders. We ended with a wholly inclusive sports morning for the whole community. We used sports funding to provide a range of diverse sports to engage all pupils and inspire them to continue with these sports outside school. assembly. Impact: Children enjoyed trying different sports to show how diverse sport is, some have continued to take up these sports in the community clubs outside school, learnt about healthy eating and lifestyles. We set up an archery club at school for classes 5 & 6 as a result of the week which was oversubscribed and included a second advanced archery group.
- Competition – We have entered many local sports competitions as part of a variety of clusters and secondary school transition programmes. We use sports funding to pay annually to be part of the cluster schools and Secondary schools competitions. Impact: Our website shows many of the competitions our school has been involved in, see sports newsletters. We are competing in more competitions and having greater success as a school including Gold, Silver and Bronze placings regularly with excellent team work and competitive/sporting attitude which we receive positive feedback about. We have had success at both district and area sports level. Impact: Children experiencing healthy competition and striving to be even better, reaching for the stars in sports. Children taking a pride in representing their school, competing and trying their best. Some children are competing outside school at a very high level e.g. within local and national football, gymnastic, horse riding/show jumping and athletic teams.
- Zumba – We have funded 6 sessions of Zumba for kids, one each term for each class, staff and Governors to encourage fitness and participating. Impact: Children say they really enjoy the session, they are observed participating with smiles on their faces and say they LOVE Zumba!
- Yoga – We also provide 6 funded sessions of yoga, one each term as above.
- REAL PE – We used money towards the REAL PE scheme to further develop challenge in PE/sports lessons Impact: Children are observed to be really enjoying the sessions and rising to the challenge which the star challenge provides within the sessions. KS1 pupils enjoy the story based approach. The development of skills can be seen impacting on the quality of team sports as pupils progress up the school.
“It is excellent to see the children receive the very best from high level sports practitioners whilst developing my own skills to teach PE at a higher level.” Year 2 teacher
“It is a pleasure to come and watch our children take part in sporting events with such pride and a competitive nature. They look so smart in their new AKPS team kit and there are always so many events on offer.” AKPS Parent
“The after-school sports clubs are always over-subscribed and incredibly popular with children and parents. It is excellent to see our children engaging in purposeful activities at lunchtimes during the sports leader sessions and I am delighted that so many children take up clubs in the community as a result of our sports week!” Mrs Saville Headteacher
“We have so much fun with Mr. Tanner and we learn to work as a team. I love PE!” Y5 Pupil
“I really enjoyed meeting Laura Deas. She showed us a video of her taking part in the skeleton and I got to ask her a question about her diet.” Y6 Pupil