iSing Pop concert with special guest Bishop Lee
Our third amazing iSing pop concert took place on 9th June. We were fortunate to be able to be joined by members of the community including a special visit from the Bishop of Swindon. Representatives of local schools sent some members of staff to share in the experience and spread the word of iSing pop and how fantastic it is. We had 55 children out at District sports so our 90 infant children stepped up, reached for the stars and sang all 7 of the songs with the juniors which was tremendous. We all had such fun and felt very proud. The audience really enjoyed it. Bishop Lee sent a message to say;
“Thank you so much for inviting me to a brilliant event this afternoon. I have been playing the CD in the car on several journeys and encourage my wife to take it into her school”.
He loved the concert and felt very uplifted by the children and staff’s singing and dancing. We know that one of the schools who were at the concert are booking iSing pop for their school because they loved it so much! Rev Shirley has used it in the Messy Church session on Sunday and it went down brilliantly, she says;
“ I thought you might like to know that I played the iSing pop CD at messy church and as the children came in they were singing and doing the actions and some of the dads, mums and helpers were amazed”
What a fabulous impact this venture is having upon our school, the local and wider community. Thank you to Rob, Nat and the whole iSing pop team for making it possible, until the next time!