Team AK’s ‘Grand Day Out’ wins SILVER at RHS Malvern Show!

How truly fabulous and exciting! The children, staff and volunteers have been working really hard to put together our Team AK Wallace and Gromit themed garden for the Malvern show this week (week of 8th May). From the chidlren’s initial design and planning ideas, to the developed design, onto a fabulous handmade rocket, the children busily decorating and growing plants, we have created this wonderful garden for the show. So many kind volunteers and staff have been giving up their time and parents have generously been donating plants and materials for which we are truly thankful. Behind this whole initiative has been our forest school leader and TA, Mr. Jackson, who has been the driving force and we are ever so grateful for his vision, passion and commitment to this project. The children have absolutely loved and benefitted from having this opportunity as part of their forest school learning.
On Wednesday, Mrs Crowley was accompanied by a few Year 5 pupils who were incredibly brave, articulate and represented the school as they spoke to the judges at the show. Mrs Crowley was so impressed with them. Yesterday, Class 4 visited the show and were absolutely delighted to find out that we were given the equivalent of a ‘silver’ placing which is a tremendous achievement for TEAM AK! They also got to meet Chris Collins (Blue Peter) which was very special! I was particularly impressed to see Mr Jackson wearing his special Wallace and Gromit tie in-keeping with the garden’s theme!
Mrs Saville
On Friday Team AK were interviewed by BBC radio Wiltshire! Click here for the link to the Wallace and Gromit garden podcast. The segment starts about 15 Mins 30 secs into the podcast (it is available for another 27 days from 15th May).