World Book Day – Team AK all became Where’s Wally!

We celebrated World Book Day with a special whole school theme…Where’s Wally and his extended family. I was massively impressed with how everyone took part and made a real effort, the Team AK Wally family looked incredible. The children were given a star challenge across the day connected to reading and recommending books to others and there was a special find Wally activity at lunch time too! Thank you to Mrs Hancock for her tremendous effort in organising this fabulous day. Here is a message from Mrs Hancock…
“A huge thank you to the whole school, pupils, staff, parents and carers for such an enthusiastic response to celebrating World Book Day in ‘Where’s Wally’ style. Over 110 children completed the outdoor challenge of finding Wally in the glorious sunshine and received an ‘I found Wally certificate.’ We hope the children enjoyed the day as much as the staff did, we already have our thinking caps on for 2018…!”
Lots of pictures will be appearing on the display in our reading corridor so you can have a go at finding your own Where’s Wally! This was a fabulous event, thank you for the stunning efforts made by pupils and staff for this occasion, such fun was had by all. Well done Team AK! Here are a few photos. I wonder if you can spot the real Where’s Wally in the background of these photos:
Mrs Saville